To receive alerts, set the rules for the alert - which vehicles to monitor, the time range and frequency of the alert, and who receives the alert.
Creating any alert involves following these steps. Only Step 6 is different for each alert type.
Select CREATE ALERT from any of the three tabs in Alerts.
Name the alert so it is distinguishable from others.
Decide if it is a High priority alert or not. A High priority alert email will be flagged as a “High Importance/Priority” message in the alert recipient's inbox. Additionally, high priority alerts will remain unread in the Alert log until you click to review the details.
From the Alert types list, choose the type of alert you want to create. They are organised by behaviour, compliance, fleet health, and safety.
Select Continue or Next to enter the three-page alert policy creation process.
The Fleet & Alert Options page changes according to the type of alert you want to create.
On the Times & Frequency page, select a time range for when you want this alert to be active. For example, if you do not want to receive alerts on a vehicle outside of working hours or on weekends, or you do not want to limit the number of alerts per driver, indicate that here.
Your options are:
Every day (all hours)
Weekdays only (Monday - Friday, all hours)
Weekends only (Saturday - Sunday, all hours)
Custom - select a day(s) and choose a time range. More than a one-time range is possible for each day, so you could exclude lunchtimes, for example
If you choose Custom, you can enter times for Monday and apply those to each day, by clicking on the words Apply Monday's times to all.
It is important to specify the frequency of the alert notifications and set the number of notifications to send per driver, and as a daily total. It is always possible to edit an alert later, to change the frequency.
On the Alert Recipients page, decide which users will receive the alert notifications and the method they will be sent by. Your options are:
Display - the alert notification will be shown on-screen in Reveal
Text message (SMS)
You can also select recipients by group, using the Entire Fleet dropdown menu.
User profiles for recipients are created in Reveal by an Admin. They can manage user details and contact preferences, including email and phone number. If you want to send a notification to a non-user of Reveal (who has no Reveal profile), enter their email address in the Additional Emails field.
Choose recipients for alert notifications carefully. Does that person really need or want a notification about this activity? Do they need to get a text message about this alert, or would an email be sufficient?
If you are the creator of an alert, you are automatically set as one of the recipients of that alert. If you do not want to receive notifications, find your name in the user list and remove the checkmark from your name.
To send a notification of this alert to the driver, you should:
Make sure the driver’s profile is set up in Reveal
Go to Delivery Options
Select Send a copy of the alert to the driver
Select Send via email. Some alerts will then surface an option to customise the email content
Save your alert and monitor the number of notifications you get. Once you Save, that alert is Enabled. If you want to change anything about the alert, use the edit function.
It takes up to 20 minutes to create or update an alert.