Welcome to the September 2024 Reveal updates. This month we review our newest partner integration with SambaSafety, new video safety score and review the benefits of the My Account tool.
SambaSafety integration
Our newest integration, SambaSafety, combines telematics data from Reveal with SambaSafety's proprietary Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) and Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) score monitoring to provide your fleet a comprehensive view of your drivers safety performance.
Driver video safety score now available
Integrated Video customers can now view their individual drivers' weekly video safety score within the driver list to make it easier to identify coaching opportunities across their fleet.
Manage all your Reveal needs in one place!
Did you know that the My Account page lets you manage all your Reveal needs? There you can:
- Set up payments
- Find historic invoices
- Access live support
- View support cases
- Manage your invoice contacts
- And more...