A Non-Powered Asset (NPA) is any piece of equipment that does not have a starter motor, ignition, or power source.
They are added to Reveal when a tracking unit is installed on them.
From the Asset List screen, you can:
View and edit NPA information to help you identify it in Reveal.
Add more NPA details to improve the accuracy of reports.
Add NPAs to groups.
View the location history of your NPAs so you can see where it was at the time an incident occurred.
Configure the NPA's tracker settings.
To open the Asset List, go to Account Profile > Admin > Assets > Asset List.
The Asset List screen displays the following:
Screen title: Tells you how many NPAs are in the list.
Search asset field: Search for NPAs by their number or name (or part of their number or name). Enter your search term in the field and then press the Enter key.
Export: To download the asset list to a spreadsheet, click the export icon
Asset #: The NPA number is used to identify the asset in Reveal and is created when the asset is registered on the system.
Asset Name: The NPAs name is used to identify the asset in Reveal and is created when the asset is registered on the system.
Primary Group: If the NPA is assigned to one or more groups, the primary group is listed here.
Year and Make: The year that the NPA was manufactured, and manufacturer of the asset.
Last Update: The time that has passed since the NPA’s location was last updated. The passed time is displayed as a blue or red link.
Blue link: The NPA’s location has been updated within the last week.
Red link: The NPA’s location was updated more than a week ago.
Click the link to open the location map that shows you where the asset is currently located:
ESN: The Electronic Serial Number (ESN) is a unique number that identifies the tracking unit installed on an NPA.
Edit: Click the pencil icon
to open the Asset Overview screen.
You can change the display order of the asset list by clicking the column title. For example, to order the list by name, click Asset Name. To reverse the order, click Asset Name again.
To open the Asset Overview screen, click the pencil icon next to the NPA you want to edit.
On the Details tab, you can edit the following fields and options:
Upload: To upload an image of the NPA, click Upload. In the pop-up window, click Browse, then select an image to upload. Adjust the image size if necessary, then click Save.
Group Access: To add the NPA to groups, click the link to open the Groups tab. Select the groups you want to add the NPA to, then click Save Changes.
Asset Name: By default, the ESN is used as the Asset Name. Change the default name to make it easier to search for and identify the NPA in Reveal.
Asset Number: Change the default Asset Number to make it easier to search for and identify the NPA in Reveal.
Make: The manufacturer of the NPA.
Model: The model name of the NPA.
Year: The year that the asset was manufactured.
Category: The category that the asset is assigned to. See View and manage vehicle and asset categories for more information.
Notes: Here you can add additional information about the NPA. For example, "This asset is no longer in use".
On the Location History tab, you can view up to fifty of the NPA's most recent location updates.
To choose the date range of the location history, click the Time frame field and then select an option from the drop-down menu. Options are:
Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days (this is the default option)
Last 90 Days
Custom: select this option to choose your own date range. Use the calendar pickers in the Start Date and End Date fields to select the dates, then click Apply to set the date range.
The Location History table has the following columns:
Time and Date: The time and date that the NPA’s location was updated.
Accuracy: The accuracy of the NPA’s location. The accuracy can be one of the following:
Potentially inaccurate
Location: The address of the asset at the time of the update. To view the location on a map, click the address.
Action: The update type.
On the Groups tab you can edit which groups the NPA belongs to. Select the groups you want to add the NPA to, then click Save Changes.
See Customize asset trackers for information.