Create drivers

From the Admin page in Reveal, you can create and edit drivers. You can also create drivers from existing users.


Accounts with Scheduler can also create Technicians in this area.

Create drivers from existing users


To create a driver from an existing user, follow these steps:

  1. To open the User List, choose Account Profile > Admin > Users and Roles > User List.

  2. To open the Edit User window, click the pencil icon next to the user you want to edit.

  3. Select the Yes, this user is a driver checkbox.

  4. To apply the changes, choose Save > Save.

You cannot make an existing driver into a user. Therefore, you must delete the driver and add them again as a user who is also a driver. Follow this process to edit and reuse an email address:

  1. Edit the current email address. For example, add a number to the address as follows:

  2. Save the account with this "fake" email address.

  3. Delete the driver/technician's account.

  4. Create a new driver/technician with the original (unedited) email address.

Create new drivers


To create a driver who is not already a user, choose Account Profile > Admin > Drivers > Create a New Driver.

Details tab

On the Details tab, complete the following fields and options:

  • Upload: To upload a photo of the driver, click Upload. In the pop-up window, click Browse, then select an image to upload. Adjust the image size if necessary, then click Save.

  • Driver Number: Enter the driver number.

  • Employee ID: Enter the driver employee ID number.

  • First Name: (Required field)

  • Last Name: (Required field)

  • Phone Number: Enter the driver/technician’s cell phone number.

  • Email address: Enter the driver/technician’s email address.

  • Driver License: Enter the driver/technician’s license number.

  • Hourly Rate: To use the hourly pay rate from Account Preferences > Cost Assumptions, select the checkbox. To use a different hourly pay rate for this driver/technician, enter the amount in the Hourly Rate field.

  • Technician: If the new driver is also a technician, select the This user is also a technician checkbox and enter where the technician starts and ends their working day. This location is used by Scheduler's smart recommendations feature when recommending a technician for a job. (Scheduler only)

  • Key Fob ID: To add a key fob ID, click Add. In the Manage Key Fob field, enter the key fob ID and click Done.

  • Group Access Member of: To add the driver/technician to groups, click 0 Groups. Use the check boxes to select the groups you want the driver/technician to have access to, then click Done.

  • Mobile Access: To give the driver/technician access to mobile apps, select the Enable Access check box. Then, in the Driver Log Password field, enter a new password. The password must have at least eight characters. Make a note of the password and give it to the driver or technician: they will use it to log in to the mobile app.

  • ELD Compliant: Some accounts will have the option to enable ELD (Electronic Logging Device) for a driver, depending on location and if the feature is enabled for that account. Checking the ELD Compliant box means that driver can use the ELD application for logging their time.


    If the you do not select the ELD compliant checkbox, you cannot monitor ELD compliance for the driver/technician.

Reusing a driver/technician's email address

Once an email address is entered into the system, it cannot be reused. If you want to use an email address again for another driver/technician, follow these steps before you delete the user’s account:

  1. Edit the current email address. For example, add a number to the address as follows:

  2. Save the account with this "fake" email address.

  3. Delete the driver/technician's account.

  4. Create a new driver/technician with the original (unedited) email address.

Mobile Options tab


On the Mobile Options tab, you can change the following ELD Logbook Settings :

  • Disable HOS Warning: To disable Hours of Service warnings on the driver/technician's Reveal ELD Logbook app, select the checkbox.

If the ELD Compliant checkbox is selected, the following options are available:

  • Enable tracking of Personal use: Select the checkbox to allow the driver/technician to use the Reveal ELD Logbook app to show when they are using the vehicle for non-work-related tasks.

  • Enable tracking of Yard Moves: Select the checkbox to allow the driver/technician to use the Reveal ELD Logbook app to show when they are using the vehicle within a yard.

By default, the settings for Permission, Company Info, and Driver Time Zone are inherited from My Account > Account Preferences > Mobile Options. If you want to use different settings for this driver/technician, clear the Inherited from Account Preferences checkboxes. Then, use the drop-down lists and fields to select different options.

To save the details and close the Create Driver/Technician window, choose Save > Save.

To save the details and add another driver, choose Save > Save and Continue.

Once the driver is created, you can edit the driver to add more details.

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