When GPS tracking devices are installed into your vehicles, the installer also adds the vehicles to Reveal.
You can manage and edit your vehicles from the Vehicle List page.
In this article:
To open the Vehicle List:
In Reveal, choose Account Profile > Admin.
In the Vehicles section, choose Vehicle List.
From the Vehicle List, you can do the following:
View vehicle information
Edit vehicle information. If you edit the vehicle name, make sure that the new name contains more than three characters. This ensures that the vehicle is searchable and viewable on Live Map.
Assign drivers to vehicles
View diagnostic trouble codes (DTC history)
View and edit vehicle information to help you identify the vehicle in Reveal.
Add more vehicle details to improve the accuracy of reports.
Assign drivers to vehicles so you can see who was driving the vehicle at the time any incidents occurred.
View a vehicle’s Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) history.
We recommend adding as much vehicle information as possible. This will improve the accuracy of your reports.
The Vehicle List page shows the following information for each vehicle:
Vehicle #: The vehicle number is used to identify the vehicle in Reveal, and is created automatically when the vehicle is registered on the system.
Vehicle Name: The vehicle name is used to identify the vehicle in Reveal, and is created automatically when the vehicle is registered on the system.
Registration #: The vehicle's registration number.
Current Driver: The driver currently assigned to the vehicle. This column is blank if no driver is assigned.
Primary Group: If the vehicle is assigned to one or more groups, the primary group is listed here. If a user has access to the primary group, they will also have access to all sub-groups of the primary group.
Year and Make: The year and manufacturer of the vehicle.
To export the vehicle list, click the Export icon .
The list is exported as a CSV.