The rules for any alert can be set so that you, your drivers, Reveal users, administrators or even non-users of Reveal can be notified when an incident occurs involving a vehicle, driver or group of vehicles and drivers.
You can set rules when creating an Alert.
Open Alerts from the main menu in Reveal. You will arrive at the Overview tab. You also see an Alert Log tab, and a My alerts tab. You can create an alert policy from any of these tabs, using the CREATE ALERT button.
Each alert created is then listed under My alerts and are shown for all vehicles, drivers, and assets.
If you want to see a list of alerts for specific vehicles, drivers, or assets select them from the dropdown.
In the list of columns, you can see the alert name, type, the status (enabled or not), the time it was last triggered, and the owner.
From the list, you can edit or delete an alert.
Deleting an alert will also delete its entire history. If you do not want to lose the entire history, you can edit the alert notification set-up, or disable the alert from the edit function.
As an admin, you have an additional Show only filter option to View alerts for people I manage. People I manage can be drivers, or other administrators, or people who do not use Reveal but receive alerts for certain events. If you are an administrator and you apply this filter you will see all the policies created on the account for all users that you manage.
You can download the full list of alerts using the EXPORT CSV button.