The actions menu is a quick way to see a range of useful functionalities for each of your vehicles or assets. There are three ways to access the menu:
Use the three-dot icon
found beside each vehicle or powered asset (PA) in the Vehicle Status list.
- Right-click on the status icon of any vehicle (or driver or asset) on the Live Map.
- Right-click your mouse anywhere on the Live Map. This option does not give you vehicle specific options such as Vehicle Name, Vehicle Options, Roadside Assistance (if available), Replay, or Reports, but can allow access to certain add-on features, such as Send location to Garmin or Open Driver Dispatch.
The menu for vehicles and powered assets (PA's) includes:
- Vehicle Name - only when you have accessed the menu from the vehicle or PA.
- Find Nearest - find the nearest vehicle to a certain location.
- View Replay - view a replay of the vehicle or PA's movements.
- Run Daily Report - load a daily report for the vehicle or PA.
- Run Detailed Report - load a detailed report for the vehicle or PA.
- Zoom to - refresh the map to show a zoomed-in view of the vehicle location and an information balloon.
- Street View - if available, this will open a Google street view of the location. This is not a live view of the street at that time.
- Create a geofence here - Create a 'Place' or a point of interest, on the map.
- Remove from Live Map - removes this vehicle, driver of PA from the Live Map. This is the same as de-selecting them from the Fleet selection tab.
Get directions to here - enter an address and get the best route from there to your vehicle, PA, or another address.
Get directions from here - enter an address and get the best route from your vehicle, PA, or another address to there. -
Other options - you must have permission to edit drivers or vehicles.
Edit driver
Edit vehicles - this includes PAs
Send a message - allows you to send a message to a driver. This is an add-on that can be purchased for your account. - Roadside Assistance - an add-on feature that allows you to request assistance for a vehicle.
For non-powered assets (NPAs), the menu includes:
- Asset Name - only when you have accessed the menu from the NPA.
- Find Nearest - find the nearest NPA to a certain location.
- Zoom to - refresh the map to show a zoomed-in view of the NPA location and an information balloon.
- Street View - if available, this will open a Google street view of the location. This is not a live view of the street at that time.
- Create a geofence here - Create a 'Place' or a point of interest, on the map.
Get directions to here - enter an address and get the best route from there to your NPA or another address.
Get directions from here - enter an address and get the best route from your NPA, or another address to there. - Edit - Change the NPA's name, number, make, model, or year.