Get Started With Navigation

Use the following information to install, set up, and start navigating with the Navigation mobile app by Verizon Connect.


  • You need a username and password to use Navigation. If you don’t have them, contact your supervisor.

  • The maps used in Navigation can be saved to your device so that you can get directions even when you are offline. See Onboard vs. Offboard Maps in Navigation Apps for more information.

    Because the map data sets are large, you’ll need to connect your device to a Wi-Fi network to complete the download. Depending on your connection speed and the number of data sets required, the download process can take anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours to complete. A Wi-Fi connection is not required when you use offboard maps.

Install the App

See Supported Devices for Navigation for more information.

Using Correct Location Settings

On Android devices

To turn on location services:

  1. From your device’s home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap “Location”, “Location services”, or “Location access” (whichever option your device displays). You might need to tap Advanced settings to see the “Location” options.

  3. Enable the relevant Location toggle. The toggle should be blue or green.

To allow Navigation to access your location:

  1. From your device’s home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Applications (or Apps on some devices) to see your list of apps. You might need to tap Application Manager and then tap All to see the list of apps.

  3. Select Navigation GE.

  4. Tap Permissions.

  5. Select the “Allow all the time” option.

  6. If your device is running Android version 12 or later, enable the Precise Location toggle.

On iOS Devices

To turn on location services and allow Navigation to access your location:

  1. From your device’s home screen, tap Settings.

  2. Tap Privacy & Security.

  3. Tap Location Services.

  4. Enable the Location Services toggle. The toggle should be blue or green.

  5. From the list of apps displayed, select “Navigation”, and then select either “While Using the App” or “Always”.

  6. Enable the Precise Location toggle. The toggle should be blue or green.


Log In

  1. Open the Navigation app on your device.

  2. On the login page, type your username and password.

  3. Tap Log In.

See Log In and Out of Navigation for more information.

Download Map Data (Optional)

If you want to use onboard maps, so that you can get directions even when you are offline, you need to download the map data for your region along with any supporting data for road network, junction views and signage (USA regions) and cities and borders (world regions).

  1. Tap to dismiss the map data download message. If you are on the main Navigation page, tap the Menu icon menu_icon_font.png > Map Data.

  2. On the All Maps tab, find the map data you need in the list.

  3. To download the data, tap the Download icon navge_download_icon.zoom40.png for each data set you need. Depending on your location and vehicles you may need more than one data set. For example, for large trucks based in Virginia, be sure to download the USA East, USA Enhanced (contains truck data), and USA Signage.


See the following articles for more information:

Configure Settings

Set preferences that control Navigation mobile app behavior and display from the Settings page. For example, you can specify how the app generates routes when you ask for directions and the units of measure to use when reporting values (miles or kilometers) along with other options.

  1. Tap the Menu icon menu_icon_font.png > Settings to see the available setting categories.

  2. Tap a category to set options within that category.

Make sure that the vehicle type (under Vehicle Settings ) is set correctly, to avoid getting directions for the wrong type of vehicle; for example, getting directions for a car when you are driving a heavy-duty truck. You might not have permission to change your vehicle type.

Any changes you make are automatically saved. To get information about the options, tap the Menu icon menu_icon_font.png > Help, and then tap Configuring Settings.

See Configure Navigation Settings for more settings information.

View the Map

To open the map tap the Menu icon menu_icon_font.png > Map. Depending on your device, the map might look slightly different from the image below. Use the legend to learn the icons displayed within the app.




Menu icon - Tap to access the main menu.


Navigate to...

Tap to select or enter a destination.



Search icon - Tap to search for a destination.



Alert icon - Tap to display available alerts.



Compass icon - Tap to switch between map showing north as up and direction of travel as up.



Location icon - Indicates your current location.



Perspective icon - Tap to change between 2D and 3D perspectives on the map.



Zoom-in icon - Tap to zoom in on the map.



Zoom-out icon - Tap to zoom out on the map.



Flag icon - Tap to mark a location to provide feedback about it later.

See Use Navigation Maps for more information.

Navigate to an Address

  1. Tap Navigate to... at the top of the map page, and then type the address in the Search field. As you type, possible matches are listed.

  2. After the address shows up in the list, tap it to see it on the map.

  3. Tap the Route icon calculate_route_icon.zoom30.png to generate a route from where you are to your destination.

  4. On the Route Overview page you can either tap the List icon navge_list_icon.png to see a list of directions or tap the Navigation icon to get turn-by-turn directions.

See Get Directions With Navigation for more information.

If you have any feedback about a location on the road, tap the Flag icon flag_icon_zoom50_transparent.png to mark the location. When you have a driving break, you can enter feedback details by tapping the Menu icon menu_icon_font.png > Feedback > Marked Locations. Then, select the location to enter and submit your feedback.

See Submit Feedback About Navigation for more information.

For additional instructions and tips on using the Navigation mobile app, see the following resources:

If you need help while you are using the mobile app, tap the Menu icon menu_icon_font.png > Help to open the in-app help.

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