Account preferences


If you are an administrator, you can use the Account Preferences section of My Account to manage settings for users and for your Reveal account.

Normal Reveal users can change the default settings in their own accounts, but not for the entire Reveal account.

To access Account Preferences, choose Account Profile > My Account. In the My Account menu, click Account Preferences.

To show the available options for each feature, click Expand. To apply your changes, click Save.

Display Options

Starting Map Location

The starting map location is the default map location, shown when you open Live Map or create a new Place. To change the default location, in the Starting map location field, type the address and press Enter. Select the address from the Matching Places / Address list.

Vehicle and Driver

In this section, you can customize how drivers and vehicles are displayed on labels and balloons on Live Map.

To choose how to display drivers, open the Display driver as menu and select from the following options:

  • First Name Last Name: Displays the driver's first name followed by their last name

  • Driver Number: Displays the driver number. If the driver does not have a number, the last name first name option is displayed instead.

  • Last Name First Name: Displays the driver's last name followed by their first name

To choose how to display vehicles in labels and balloons on Live Map, open the Display vehicle as menu and select from the following options:

  • Vehicle Name: Displays the vehicle’s name

  • Vehicle Number: Displays the vehicle number

  • Registration Number: Displays the vehicle’s registration number. If the vehicle does not have a registration number, the name is displayed instead.

Regional Settings

In this section, you can choose the default settings for the following:

  • Time zone: If you have a company headquarters in one time zone but your office is in another time zone, you can choose which one to use. Times (for example, in Replay and Live Map) are displayed in the selected time zone.

  • Fuel Economy Units: Select the appropriate units for your region.

  • Region: Metrics such as distance and date are displayed in the format of the selected country.

  • Language: Reveal is displayed in the selected language.

General Options

Settings related to speed limits, idling, and geofence categories.

Speed Limit Definition

Choose to show speed limits as Posted Speed (the legal speed limit on the road) or Road Speed (average speed on the road). If you choose Both, posted speed is used when available. If posted speed is not available, road speed is used instead.

Idling Time

  • Minimum Idling Duration: Select the minimum time you want to be considered as idling. For example, if you select two minutes, a vehicle idling time of less than two minutes is reported as movement.

  • What stops do you want to include?: If you select Both Ignition Off and Idle Stops, engine idling times longer than the Minimum Idling Duration will be considered stops. If you select Ignition Off Stops only, idling events will not be considered stops.

  • Hide stops less than: Select the minimum time you want to be considered as a stop. For example, if you select two minutes, a stop of less than two minutes is reported as movement.


In this section, you can change the default "Suggested Geofence" categories for Employee homes, Office locations, and Fuel sites. Suggestions are based on factors such as the type of location and the hours of parking.

Cost Assumptions

In this section, you can choose the default costs used in Reports and Dashboard.

  • Default cost per hour: Enter the driver's hourly rate. You can override this for individual drivers when you create or edit drivers.

  • Default cost per mile: Enter the default cost of the vehicle per mile/kilometer. You can override this on the Edit Vehicle window.

Hours Worked Settings

In this section, you can choose the default criteria for the start and end of the working day in Reports and Dashboard.

Start criteria for calculating hours worked

  • Start of first journey: Calculates the start time based on engine ignition status

  • Arrival at first stop: Calculates the start time based on arrival at the site

  • Activity at a Place: Calculates the start time based on arrival at a saved Place (or Geofence)

End criteria for calculating hours worked

  • End of last journey: Calculates the end time based on engine ignition status

  • Departure from last stop: Calculates the end time based on departure from the site

  • Activity at a Place: Calculates the end time based on departure from a saved Place (or Geofence)

Ignore start and end travel

Choose whether to ignore a certain amount of travel at the start or end of the day. You can choose to ignore travel distances less than 1, 3, or 6 miles, or the equivalent in kilometers (km).

Mobile Options

In this section you can edit the default drivers settings for the Reveal ELD Logbook app.

  • ELD Compliant

    If your organization is ELD compliant, select "Yes". Drivers must install the Reveal ELD mobile app on their devices. You must also enable mobile access for each driver under Admin > Drivers > Driver list > Edit Driver > Details. If some drivers do not use ELD, you can disable ELD compliance for those individual drivers under Admin > Drivers > Driver list > Edit Driver > Details.


    If you change this setting, the changes are applied to all drivers.

  • Default Ruleset

    Select one of the following ELD rule sets. More options are available if your organization is not ELD compliant.

    • Federal Property

    • Federal - Oilfield Exemption

    • Federal Passenger

    • Federal No 30 min Break (applicable for oversize-overweight permitted loads)

    • California Property

    • California Passenger

  • Rule cycle: Choose 7 days (60hrs) or 8 days (70hrs).

  • Start time: Select the default start time for all drivers. This is the start time that is used for all of your drivers on the Graph and Events and Stops tabs of the Status Log screen in the Logbook mobile app. You can change the start time for a particular driver under Admin > Drivers > Driver list > Edit Driver > Mobile Options.

  • Default driver time zone: Select a default time zone.

  • DOT number: Enter your company's USDOT number. This is a required field.

  • Carrier name: Enter your carrier/company name. This is a required field.

  • Carrier home terminal: Enter main company address. This is a required field.

  • Commodity: Enter the commodity your company trades in.

Driver App Settings

In this section, you can choose which of the following options are available to users of the Reveal Driver app:

  • Vehicle assignment

  • Show stops

  • Show scorecards

  • Show leaderboards

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