Create your own fuel card integration
If you work with a fuel provider that is not available on the Marketplace, you can create your own fuel integration within Reveal. Before you start, keep in mind that you will need a software engineer or a third-party developer to implement this integration.
If you want to integrate with MTC, WEX, or EFS, contact Customer Support Note that these integrations are supported only in North America.
In this article:
Resend FTP credentials
To create your own fuel integration:
From the User Profile menu, go to Marketplace > Partner Integrations.
On the Partner Integrations page, click GET STARTED.
On the Steps to integration pane, select the development guidelines link to download the guidelines for integration.
Follow the guidelines to format your fuel card transaction file.
On the integration form, enter the fuel provider name.
Enter the fuel provider account number. This must match the account number that was entered in the FTP file.
If you don't know the provider account number, you can use an arbitrary number to start the integration. The number in the FTP file and entered here must still match.
Enter the developer's email address.
You and your developer will receive an email containing FTP credentials along with the development guidelines. While your developer continues to set up the integration using the FTP credentials and development guidelines, you can add your fuel cards.
Complete the Fuel Card ID field. Use the following format when adding the fuel card ID: Account number, hyphen (-), last five digits of fuel card number.
Complete the Vehicle Name field.
Click SAVE.