View job details
In the Reveal Field Mobile App, each job has its own job card, and these cards are listed on the OVERDUE, TODAY, and UPCOMING tabs. See View assigned jobs for more information about these tabs.
The basic details of each job are displayed on the card, such as:
Duration: The time that the job is scheduled for.
Status: See Update job status for information about job statuses.
Job ID: The ID of the job. For more information see Create a job.
Type: The type of Job To Do that this job is for. For more information see Add a Job To Do.
Contact details: The name of the customer contact.
Location: The address of the job.
DIRECTIONS and CONTACT links: Tap DIRECTIONS to get directions to the job location, or tap CONTACT to contact the customer via telephone, text message, or email.
The following screenshot shows an example of a job card.
On the My jobs screen, tap the OVERDUE, TODAY, or UPCOMING tabs to view your job cards. Tap a job card to open the Job details screen for that job.
The following sections describe the information kept on the Job details screen.
If there is related work for an assigned job, such as a previous site visit, or if more work is scheduled for a job, this message shows under the Job To Do job description.
You can see the details of the related work in one (or both) of the following places:
The UPCOMING tab - if the related work is scheduled for within a month’s time.
The Job record section - if this job has past related work and associated photos, notes, and signatures.
The related work will have the same Job ID as the job that has been assigned to you.
If there are photos, notes, customer signatures, or files associated with your job, view them by tapping View all in the Job record section.
To add files, tap the Add button , and then select one of the following:
"Take a photo"
"Add from library"
"Add a note"
"Add a signature"