The notification panel in Reveal displays real-time alert updates of important events related to drivers, vehicles, and assets. These events can range from a harsh driving incident, such as hard braking, to a notification about a late start.
Setting the rules for a notification is known as creating an Alert Policy. Alerts are enabled by default. You can disable or customise alerts in Account Settings in Reveal.
Learn how to set up notifications and manage alerts.
The notification panel displays all active notifications.
To access the notification panel, click the alert bell icon. Notifications are displayed in order, from the newest to the oldest.
If there are new notifications, the alert bell icon displays the number of new notifications in red.
If there are no new notifications - or they have been read - the alert bell icon is displayed without the red badge.
Multiple notifications relating to one alert policy appear in a group under the policy name. You can edit an existing alert policy from the Policies tab in the Alerts section of Reveal.
Click once on the stacked group of notifications to open them individually.
When opened, you can see the full details of the notification by clicking MORE DETAILS.
Click once on the stacked group of notifications to open them individually.
To remove all notifications from the panel, click DISMISS ALL.
To dismiss a notification and remove it from the notification panel, hover over the card and click X.
Notifications stay in the panel for 3 days unless you dismiss them.
You can access dismissed or past notifications from the Alerts tab in the main menu in Reveal.
Notifications will appear in both the notification panel and as a pop-up on your desktop if you have this preference selected.
You can change your notification settings in the User Preferences section of My Account. To access User Preferences, choose Account Profile > My Account. In the My Account menu, click User Preferences.
For each alert category, use the check boxes to select the following options:
Notification badge: Displays a red badge over the relevant icon.
Pop-up notification: Displays a pop-up balloon at the bottom of the screen. A temporary pop-up disappears after 15 seconds.
Audio: Plays a sound when a notification is received.