Click Manage Service Plans to open the Manage Service Plans tab.
Click the Create a New Service Plan button. The Create a Service Plan screen opens.
You can also click the CREATE A NEW SERVICE PLAN button on the Reminders tab.
Complete the Service name field.
From the Service Type field, click the down arrow
and then select a service type from the drop-down list.
(Optional) Complete the Service plan ID and Service plan description fields. If you add a service plan ID, it must be unique (this is validated by a green check mark
In the Reminders section, choose at least one option for how service reminders should be triggered.
If you select Time based, specify the number of days in the Due every and Remind me in fields.
If you select Engine hours based, specify the engine hours in the Due every and Remind me in fields.
If you select Distance based, specify the distance in the Due every and Remind me in fields.
When you select your reminder options, the Last Service Details section is also updated to show the corresponding field. If you select more than one option, whichever option is triggered first sends the service reminder. The following screenshot shows an example of how to set up a time-based reminder. The reminder would be sent 10 days before the service is due:
In the Select Vehicles section, select the vehicles you want to include in the service plan. If the list is long, you can use the Search field to find the vehicles you want. Once you have selected the vehicles, click the Add button.
Click Select All to select all the vehicles that your account has access to.
Click Deselect All to deselect all of the selected vehicles.
In the Last Service Details section, all of the selected vehicles are listed. The columns that are displayed in this section depend on the following:
If you selected Time based in the Reminder section, the Last service date column is displayed.
If you selected Engine hours based in the Reminder section, the Engine hours column is displayed.
If you selected Distance based in the Reminder section, the Odometer reading column is displayed.
If required, you can edit the Last service date , Engine hours , and Odometer reading fields for each vehicle at its last service.
In the Reminder Recipients section, click in the Find user field to open a drop-down list of users' names. Click a name to add it to the list of reminder recipients. As you add users, their names are displayed in the list of reminder recipients.
To filter the drop-down list, click the Groups icon. Select the check boxes for the groups that you want to filter the list of recipients by, and then click Apply.
For each recipient, select the check box beside the reminder type you want them to receive:
Select the All check box to send all types of reminders to the recipient.
Select the Display check box to display reminders on the Maintenance screen > Reminders tab.
Select the Email check box to send reminder emails to the recipient.
Select the SMS check box to send reminder SMS messages to the recipient.
Service plans are evaluated once daily, usually at nighttime.
(Optional) In the Additional emails field, add the emails of other people who you want to send service reminders to. Separate each address with a comma.
In the Send reminder to driver field, slide the toggle to the "On" position if you want service reminders to be sent to the drivers who are assigned to the vehicles included in the service plan. Then select the check box beside the reminder type you want the driver to receive:
Select the Email check box to send reminder emails to the driver.
Select the SMS check box to send reminder SMS messages to the driver.
Click Save to save the service plan. The service plan is listed on the Manage Service Plans tab.