This article provides an overview of vehicle inspections in Reveal, and how to set up inspection forms and drivers so that your drivers can access the inspections forms in the Reveal Driver Plus mobile app.
Inspections that your drivers have completed using the Logbook app are not listed on the Inspection history page. Instead, they can be found under Reports > Compliance > Vehicle inspection.
To get started with inspections in Reveal:
Understand the inspection process.
Set up your drivers to access the Reveal Driver Plus app. Inform your drivers of their password.
Get your drivers to install the Reveal Driver Plus app. It is available in the Google Play Store for Android devices and in the iOS App Store for Apple devices.
Inform your drivers of their login details so that they can log in.
Set up a fleet inspection alert so that you get informed about any failed inspection reports.
The inspection process involves both Reveal and the Reveal Driver Plus mobile app and is outlined here:
As an administrator, you make sure that your drivers are set up properly in Reveal, and you create and publish inspection forms.
Drivers with the appropriate permissions can access inspection forms from the Reveal Driver Plus mobile app and perform inspections on the vehicles that they can assign themselves to. Initial inspections are submitted with a Pass (if there are no defects or only minor defects) or with a Fail (if there are major defects). Major defects are those that make the vehicle unsafe to operate.
All inspections that your drivers submit are accessible on the Inspection history page in Reveal.
If your drivers find any defects, you need to get the defects fixed and then resolve them in the inspection on the Inspection history page.
Drivers reinspect the vehicles that have resolved defects and mark them as Certified (if all defects or all major defects are fixed) or Failed (if one or more of the major defects still fail).
Your drivers can perform an inspection only if you have published at least one inspection form. You can create a new inspection form and publish it, or publish an existing inspection form.
Your drivers can access the Reveal Driver Plus app only if they have been set up correctly in Reveal. To set up your drivers, you can create new drivers, edit existing drivers, or edit existing users.
Independent of the method of setting up your driver, make sure that you add the following details:
Add a First Name, Last Name, and Email address. If you are editing a user, select the check box next to Yes, this user is a driver.
Under Mobile Access, select the check box next to Enable access.
Under Driver Log Password, enter a password.
Under Group Access, click Groups, and then select the check boxes next to all the vehicle groups and subgroups that the driver’s potential vehicles belong to. Group changes can take up to 15 minutes to reflect in the Reveal Driver Plus mobile app.