In the Fleet Status tab , filter by vehicle or asset status with the dropdown menu.
You can also click the sort icon to decide how you would like to order the fleet status list.
- If you select All statuses, all vehicles and assets display.
- You can filter vehicles and assets by their status when you select Moving, Idling, or Stopped.
- If you choose to order by Vehicle or Driver, they will be displayed in the list alphabetically by name.
- If you order by Group, they will be displayed alphabetically by group name. Ungrouped vehicles will be displayed lower down the list.
- If you choose Order by Status, vehicles with more urgent statuses will come first in the list.
If you have any vehicles with the status Privacy, Towing, Loss of signal, or Panic for example, they will come first in the list before Moving, Idle, or Stopped statuses.
See the Icon Legend in Map Options for a full list of icons and statuses. - If you choose Order by Last Update, you will see vehicles ordered according to the last time their statuses were updated, or by their last recorded movement.