See non-powered assets on Live Map
To see non-powered assets from your fleet on Live Map, follow these steps:
- Click the Fleet Status tab .
- Select the non-powered asset you want to see on the map.
- Zoom out to see all your visible assets and vehicles on the map.
When you click on a non-powered asset on the map, a pop-up opens with the following details and actions:
- Non-powered asset name
- Date and time when the non-powered asset’s details were last updated
- The asset's last reported location
- ZOOM TO - Zoom the map so that the non-powered asset is shown in the centre of the zoomed-in map
- STREET VIEW - Change to street view near the non-powered asset’s current location
- LOCATION HISTORY - Go to the Location History tab for this non-powered asset to view the non-powered asset’s most recent location updates.
Not seeing non-powered assets?
If you don’t see any non-powered assets, you need to:
- Click the Fleet Selection tab .
- Select the non-powered assets you want to see.
- Go back to the Fleet Status tab and the non-powered assets are now listed.
Read more about how to view and edit non-powered assets.
Read more about how to see vehicles on Live Map.