Troubleshoot partner integrations

If you are integrating Reveal with any of the partners mentioned in this article, it is necessary to complete additional steps for the integration to be successful. Check the lists of partners listed here to find out what steps are required.

Integrations requiring a vehicle number
If you are integrating with any of the following partners, you need to add a vehicle number in Reveal:

10-4 Systems, AssetWorks, Axele, C.H. Robinson, Collective Data Solutions, Deloitte, Descartes MacroPoint, Drivewyze, Edulog, ESRI, FLEETCOR EAC, Fleetio, FourKites, GROUPAUTO, NECS, NextEra Mobility, Nuonic, Parkd, Pragmatica Ambientale, Project44, ProMiles, Sawatch, Shipwell, SnowPaths, SpeedGauge, StreetPaths, Traffio, Tranzaura, TIMOCOM, TruckerCloud, Transport Exchange, Whip Around, Yellowbrick.

Adding a vehicle number

  1. From the top right navigation bar, select your account profile icon, then go to the dropdown menu and click Admin.

  2. Click Vehicle List
  3. Select the edit icon Screenshot_2022-07-13_at_14.01.48.png
  4. In Vehicle Number, enter a unique vehicle reference. For example, use the vehicle registration number, asset number, or create a vehicle name.

For help, read view a list of your vehicles.

Integrations requiring a fuel card ID

If you are integrating with any of the following partners, you need to add a fuel card ID in Reveal:

Allstar, Amerifuel, Applegreen, FLEETCOR, Circle K, Comdata, Efectivale, Fuelman, Fuel Card Services, Keyfuels, The Fuel Card Company, U.S. Bank Voyager, UTA Fuel.

To learn how to add fuel card IDs, read Adding fuel cards.

Integrations requiring a vehicle number and driver number

If you are integrating with any of the following partners, you need to add a vehicle number and driver number in Reveal:

Xenolytic Data Systems (XDS)

Adding a vehicle number
Follow the steps above.

Adding a driver number

  1. From the top right navigation bar, select your account profile icon, then go to the dropdown menu and click Admin.
  2. Under Drivers/Technicians, click Driver/Technician List.
  3. Click the edit icon Screenshot_2022-07-13_at_14.01.48.png next to the driver you want to edit.
  4. At Driver number, enter a unique driver number.

To learn more, go to edit drivers.
Or, go to Add self-service partner integrations.


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