This reports shows a high-level overview of your drivers' or vehicles' performance over a period of time. Create a summary report using your own chosen criteria, such as distance travelled, idle duration, and number of stops.
To run this report, see Run a report.
Report options
- Description: Enter a description of your report.
- Group by: Choose to organize the report by Groups or Drivers, and choose to include vehicle details or not.
- File Format: Select online or CSV (Excel). If you choose CSV, decide how you would like time to be formatted in your report.
Choose the metrics you would like to include: Click ADD and choose up to 12 sub-metrics. Metrics are the things you want to measure - such as distance travelled, or speeding violations.
- Currency: Select your currency.
Advanced options
- Stop filters: Choose to include Both Ignition Off and Idle Stops (the start and end of a stop is measured by vehicle movement) or Ignition Off Stops only (the start and end of a stop is measured from when the ignition is turned on and off).
- Hide Stops less than x minutes: Set the time (in minutes) from which a stop is shown. Stops that are shorter than this time are considered driving time and not displayed as a stop.
- Show Exceptions using: To highlight events that exceed your benchmark parameters, select this option and choose a filter from the list. Exceptions show events, such as excessive stops, late starts, or early finishes.
- Time Zone: Whether to base the time zone in the report on User, Vehicle, or UTC.
- Advanced Time Range Options: Set a time range for each day.
- Region: Select your country. Report metrics such as distance and date are displayed in the format of the selected country.
Timecard options
By default, timecard options are imported from account preferences. To customise the hours worked criteria for this report only, clear the Use the hours worked criteria from account preferences check box.
You can then set the following criteria from the drop-down lists:
- Start criteria for calculating hours worked
- End criteria for calculating hours worked
- Ignore start and end travel