Reveal Field Scheduler lets you import jobs from Settings > Import jobs > Import.
This article describes how to:
You must export your jobs from the source software solution to one of the following file formats:
Excel (XLSX or XLS)
Most software solutions have instructions on how to do this on their website.
If you are unsure of the file format, download our Excel template from the Import jobs section of Reveal.
Include the first and last name of each Contact, and make sure they are written as they appear in Scheduler.
A Contact phone number should only contain numbers and these characters: ( ) + _ * #
If a Contact phone number does not include a country code, Scheduler will automatically apply the code used by your head office.
The Job to do should not be longer than 35 characters.
The Job description should not be longer than 1,024 characters.
A Job ID can be a number between 1 and 999999998, or a name containing up to 15 characters. This does not include spaces but may include letters, numbers, or the following symbols: @ # * - _ & ( ) / \ $ € £
If you don’t create a Job ID, Scheduler will generate one automatically.
It’s best to include as much information as possible, but if you’re not sure about an Address, the city alone is enough.
Imported jobs that don’t have a Date, Start time, or Technician assigned will be added under Pending.
You cannot have a Start time without a Date, and they should each have their own column in the file.
If you include a Start time, it must be entered in one of these formats: HH:MM or HH:MM AM/PM
If you include a Date must follow one of these formats: US: MM/DD/YYYY or EU: DD/MM/YYYY
Job duration must be between 00:01 and 72:00 hours.
If you include a technician, enter their first and last name, and make sure they are written as they appear in Scheduler.
See also Import file guidelines.
To import a file, from Settings > Import jobs > Import, click the NEW IMPORT button and follow the guided steps.
When importing a file, follow these guidelines:
The maximum file size is 5MB.
There must be only one sheet in the file.
Column headers must be in the first row only.
Column header names should not be duplicated.
There must be no more than 1000 jobs in any one file.
Contact, Address, and a Job to do are required fields. The job won’t import without them.
Ensure that the details for each job are kept in a single row and not spread over multiple rows.
Ensure that any new contacts are created in Scheduler before you import.
You can view job imports that occurred in the past 20 days in Settings > Import jobs > Import. Records of job imports that are older than 20 days are not available.
After your file has uploaded, the following table is displayed:
Select headings from the FILE COLUMN HEADINGS drop-down menu so that they match the headings under JOB FIELD.
If you use our Excel template from the Import jobs section of Reveal, the headings are matched automatically.
These columns show the name and phone number of any contacts connected with the job. In cases where two contacts have the same name, the phone number can be used to identify the correct one.
These columns show all information related to the job, such as the address, job description, Job ID, and so on.
These columns show when the work is due to take place, including the date, start time and duration. Job duration defaults to one hour if you leave it blank.
To check if your jobs have been successfully imported:
In Reveal Field, click the Scheduler tab, and then choose Settings
Go to Import jobs.
Find the relevant import in Import history.
Go to Jobs imported to learn how many jobs were imported from your file.
If any of your imports fail, click Download in the UPDATES column to download the failure report. The report will contain a list of all the failed imports and the reasons for the failure. You can then fix the issues and try to upload the file again.
To delete jobs that you’ve imported:
You cannot delete a job once it has been dispatched in Scheduler.
Learn how to Import customer contacts.