Creating and editing users
From the Users and Roles section in Admin, you can create new users, edit existing users, and invite up to 25 users at the same time via email. Users who receive an email invitation complete their own profiles.
Depending on the type of Reveal account you have purchased, and your permissions in Reveal, you might be able to set up Roles and Permissions, and Groups, in this area. If you don’t have permission, contact your administrator. If this feature is not available to you and you would like it, contact your account manager.
To open the Create User window, choose Account Profile > Admin > Users and Roles > Create User.
In the Create User window, complete the following fields and options:
First Name: (Required field)
Last Name: (Required field)
Mobile Number: Enter the user's phone number.
Employee ID: Enter the user's employee ID number.
Email address and password (required field):
In the Email address (username) field, enter the user’s email address (See section on Reusing a user email address below, if you are using an email address that is already used in Reveal).
In the Password field, enter a new password. The password must have at least eight characters. Make a note of the password and give it to the user: they will use it to log in to Reveal.
Administrator access in Reveal:
If you have Admin access, and you want the new user to be an administrator also, select the Administrator checkbox. This gives the user access to all product areas and resources.
Administrator access in Reveal Pro:
In Reveal Pro, if you want the new user to be an administrator, select the Administrator for checkbox. This gives the user access to all product areas and resources. If you don't want the user to be an administrator for all groups, check the Administrator for: Groups checkbox and open the Groups link. Use the check boxes to select the groups you want the user to be an administrator for, then click Done.
0 Groups means no groups have been de-selected. Therefore, the user will have access to all groups.
User access and assigning a role to a user in Reveal:
In Reveal, you can give this user specific access to certain lists of vehicles or drivers by selecting Entire Fleet or specific groups from the list, accessible from the 0 Groups link.
The Set Permissions link allows you to change user permissions. All permissions are set to full, as default.
User access and assigning a role to a user in Reveal Pro:
To assign a role to the user, open the Role drop-down list and select a role. Roles define how much access users have to features in Reveal. The user will have the same permissions as other users in that role.
You must add the user to at least one group. If you have chosen to make the user an administrator, the Role list will be disabled as administrators have access to all areas.
Managing a user in Reveal Pro
To select who can manage the user, click the Administrators of Group: Entire Fleet link. Use the check boxes to select groups, then click done. Administrators of the selected groups can manage the user - the selected users will be visible and editable for that manager.
Is this user a driver?
If this user is also a driver - for example, an employee who works in the office and is also a delivery driver - select the Yes, this user is a driver checkbox. Once the user/driver is created, you can edit driver settings from the Driver list.
If this person has already been created as a Driver in the system, ticking the checkbox will duplicate their name. If this happens, delete the Driver which should not associated with the new user.
Time Zone: Select the user’s time zone.
Language: To display Reveal in the user’s preferred language, select the language from the list.
Region: Select the user’s country. Metrics such as distance and date are displayed in the format of the selected country.
To save the details and close the Create User window, choose Save > Save.
To save the details and add another user, choose Save > Save and continue.
If you have permission to invite multiple users at the same time to Reveal, follow these steps:
To open the Invite multiple users window, choose Account Profile > Admin > Users and Roles > Invite multiple users.
In the Email address field, enter the email address of the new user.
Set permissions for the user(s). Basic Settings are the default User role. (In Reveal Pro, assign a role to the user by opening the Role drop-down list and selecting a role.)
To add the user to groups, click Edit. Use the check boxes to select the groups that you want the user to have access to, then click Done. Note : You must add users to at least one group.
To add another user, choose Click to Add Another. A new row appears. Roles and Groups are automatically copied from the first new user. You can edit these options if you want the next user to have different access.
When you have finished adding new users, click Send Invite. The new users receive an email invitation asking them to join your account. Once they accept the invitation, they can log in and complete their own profiles.
From the User List, you can view, create, edit, delete, or activate/deactivate users in your account.
The User List displays the following:
Select Multiple Users:
Use the check boxes to select multiple users. Once you select a checkbox, the following icons appear:
Delete user: Delete all the selected users.
Activate user: Activate accounts which have previously been deactivated. Deactivate user: Deactivate all the selected users' accounts.
Would you like to search for a user?: Click the link to reveal the search field. To search, type the name or email address of the user and click Search.
Create a new user: Click to create a single user.
Export: To download user information to a spreadsheet, use the check boxes to select users, then click the export icon.
Full Name: The full name of the user.
Username: The email address of the user.
Role: The role assigned to the user.
Last Login: The date and time the user last logged in to Reveal.
Primary Group: If the user is assigned to one or more groups, the primary group is listed here.
Status: Shows the current status of the account.
Active: The account is currently in use.
Deactivated: The account has been deactivated. To activate a previously deactivated account, use the check icon.
Pending: An invitation has been sent, but the user has not yet set up the account.
Expired: An invitation has been sent, but has since expired. To send the invitation again, click the mail icon.
Edit: To open the Edit User window, click the pencil icon.
Delete: To delete a user’s account, click the trash icon. In the pop-up window, click OK to confirm that you want to delete the account.
Once an email address is entered into the system, it cannot be deleted. If you want to use an email address again for another user, follow these steps before you delete the user’s account:
Edit the current email address. For example, add a number to the address as follows: johndoe 1
Save the account with this "fake" email address.
Delete the user’s account.
Create a new user with the original (unedited) email address.
To open the Edit User window, in the User List, click the pencil icon next to the user you want to edit. Here, in addition to editing existing details, you can also send a text message (SMS) opt-in request, reset the user’s password, and deactivate the user’s account.
If the user is also a driver, changes you make here may affect the driver settings.
SMS opt-in request (Text Message)
To send an SMS opt-in request to the user’s phone, click Send new opt-in request. If the user accepts the invitation, they will receive SMS notifications to their phone. The current status is displayed as Not Opted-in (the user has not accepted an invitation or has not received a request), or Opted-out (the user has declined an invitation).
Reset password
To reset the password, in the Password field, enter a new password, then click Reset Password.
Deactivate user
To deactivate the user, select the Deactivate User checkbox, then choose Save > Save. A deactivated account cannot be accessed by users or administrators. Account information stays on the system, and you can activate the account again at any time.