From the Driver List page you can:
View and edit driver information.
Add more details to improve the accuracy of reports.
Reset the password for a driver.
Edit the assignment history for the previous seven days.
To open the Driver List, choose Account Profile > Admin > Drivers > Driver List.
To open the Edit Driver dialog box, click the pencil icon next to the driver you want to edit.
If the driver is also a user, changes you make here may affect the user settings.
On the Details tab, in addition to editing existing details, you can also send an SMS opt-in request, reset the driver password, and assign a vehicle to the driver.
If the driver is also a user, changes you make here may affect the user settings.
If the driver is also a technician and you want to add them to a group of technicians, you need to do this in Account Profile > Admin > Groups section > Manage Groups.
Learn more about groups by reading this article on creating and editing groups.
To send an SMS opt-in request to the drivers' cell phone, click Send new opt-in request. If the driver accepts the invitation, they will receive SMS notifications to their phone. The current status is displayed as "Not Opted-in" (the driver has not accepted an invitation or has not received a request), or "Opted-out" (the driver has declined an invitation).
You can only send up to three opt-in requests to any driver. If the driver does not opt in, they will not receive alerts to their mobile device.
To reset the password, in the Password field enter a new password, then click Reset Password. Make a note of this password and give it to the driver.
Assigning vehicles to drivers ensures that driver behavior incidents are attributed to the correct driver, and ensures accurate feedback in Reports and driver rankings in Dashboard. You can use this feedback to coach drivers and improve safety.
To assign a vehicle to the driver, open the Current Vehicle list and select a vehicle, then click Assign.
To save the details and close the Edit Driver dialog box, choose Save > Save.
To save the details and continue editing, choose Save > Save and Continue.
On the Employee Home tab, you can add the driver home address. This creates a Place that is used in Reports to show stops at the employee's home.
To add an address:
In the Add a new Home Address field, type the address and press
. -
Select the correct address from the Matching Address list. A pin with a perimeter is added to the map.
Adjust the size of the perimeter by dragging the dots on the perimeter or redraw the perimeter on the exact location you want.
Once you have finished, click ADD ADDRESS.
On the Assignment History tab, you can change the vehicle that was assigned to a driver for any time frame during the previous seven days.
To change the assignment history:
Open the Select Vehicles drop-down list and select a vehicle.
To set the start date and time, click the Start Date field and select a date and time from the calendar. Repeat this step to select an end date and time.
To apply the changes, click Assign.
If a key fob is assigned to the driver in the Edit Driver tab, previous fob assignments will not automatically show in Reveal. However, you can still backdate assignments.
On the Advanced Options tab, you can define the start and end criteria for hours worked. By default, the settings are inherited from My Account > Account Preferences > Hours Worked Settings. If you want to use different settings for this driver, clear the Use the hours worked criteria from account preferences and choose the following:
Start criteria for calculating hours worked
Start of first journey: Calculates the start time based on engine ignition status.
Arrival at first stop: Calculates the start time based on arrival at the site.
Activity at a Place: Calculates the start time based on arrival at a saved Place (or Geofence).
End criteria for calculating hours worked
End of last journey: Calculates the end time based on engine ignition status.
Departure from last stop: Calculates the end time based on departure from the site.
Activity at a Place: Calculates the end time based on departure from a saved Place (or Geofence).
Ignore start and end travel
Choose whether to ignore a certain amount of travel at the start or end of the day. You can choose to ignore travel distances less than 1, 3, or 6 miles (or 1.5, 5 or 10 km).
On the Mobile Options tab, you can give the driver access to the Reveal Driver App and send a password reset email. To give the driver mobile access, select the Enable Access checkbox. To send an email with a password reset link, click Email Password Reset. The email is sent to the email address on the driver account.
From the Driver List, you can view, create, edit, or delete driver.
The Driver List page displays the following:
Would you like to search for a driver? Click the link to show the search field. To search, type the name of the driver and press
. -
Create a new driver: Click to create new driver.
Select Multiple: Use the checkboxes to select multiple drivers. Once you select a checkbox, the trash icon appears. Use this to delete multiple accounts.
Export: To download the driver list to a spreadsheet, use the checkboxes to select drivers, then click the export icon.
Driver#: The driver number is used to identify the vehicle in Reveal.
First Name: The driver first name.
Last Name: The driver last name.
Phone: The driver cell phone number.
Email: The driver email address.
Current vehicle: The vehicle currently assigned to the driver.
Key Fob ID: The ID of the key fob currently assigned to the driver.
Edit: To open the Edit Driver dialog box, click the pencil icon.
Delete: To delete a driver account, click the trash icon. In the pop-up window, click OK to confirm that you want to delete the account.
Once an email address is entered into the system, it cannot be deleted. If you want to use an email address again for another driver, follow these steps before you delete the user’s account:
Edit the current email address. For example, add a number to the address as follows:
Save the account with this "fake" email address.
Delete the driver account.
Create a new driver with the original (unedited) email address.