This report identifies violations of your account preferences, such as excessive idling, long or unauthorized stops in geofences, out of hours use, late starts, and early finishes.
To run this report, see Run a report.
Group by: Choose to group by exceptions or by the driver of a vehicle.
Show idling over: Set a time (in minutes) and select this option to show only idling times over the specified time. You can also choose to include or exclude events in certain geofences, which you can select.
Show stops over: Set a time (in minutes) and select this option to show only stops over the specified time. You can also choose to include or exclude events in certain geofences, which you can select.
Show Stops at these places: Choose which places to include.
Show Late Starts after: Select the check box and choose a time from the list.
Show Early Finishes before: Select the check box and choose a time from the list.
Show Late Finishes after: Select the check box and choose a time from the list.
Show Activity after: Select the check box and choose a time from the list.
By default, timecard options are imported from account preferences. To customize the hours worked criteria, clear the Use the hours worked criteria from account preferences check box.
You can set the following criteria from the drop-down lists:
Start criteria for calculating hours worked
End criteria for calculating hours worked
Ignore start and end travel
Show: Select from "Address Only", "Geofences", or "Both geofences and addresses" to determine whether to show the addresses of places, or geofences that you have created, or both.
Include closest x Geofences: Select the number of nearby geofences to display, from 1 to 5.
Include page break between drivers: Select this option to display each driver on a separate page - this separation can make it easier to carry out administrative tasks on the report.
Days to include: Choose which days to include in the report.
Time Zone: Whether to base the time zone in the report on User, Vehicle, or UTC.
Include time range: Select the time range to include in the report.
Region: Select your country.