The following alert types are available in Reveal:
The following alerts are add-on options:
Contact support for more information about these add-ons.
Once you set up an activity alert, an alert will trigger if a vehicle or asset registers activity. An activity trigger can be the vehicle or asset moving with the ignition on, or activity detected by any sensors your vehicles have, such as a power take-off (PTO).
If you want to receive activity alerts for non-powered assets, you need to enable tracker settings. Go to Admin > Assets > Asset List > Tracker Settings and enable Check in when moving. You can then set up an activity alert as usual. If you cannot enable the tracker setting, contact Customer Support
How to set up an activity alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, asset, or group to monitor - or your entire fleet.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger.
Your options are:
Any activity during the monitoring time range.
Movement only during the monitoring time range - the monitoring time range is decided on the Times & Frequency page following this.
Activity after idling - recommended when your fleet has long periods of idling.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
Receive an alert when your asset's battery level drops below a certain threshold. You set the threshold when you create the alert and can edit it at any time. This alert does not repeat.
The alert will only trigger if battery level information for the asset is available. Learn more.
How to set an asset low battery alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select powered assets, non-powered assets or a group to monitor (or all assets).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger. Set a percentage of battery power that you consider to be low (at or above 5%). The alert will trigger once the asset battery level drops to that amount.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
This alert flags vehicles idling for longer than a set time. For vehicles with on-board equipment registered on the system, it can be set to ignore alerts when a power take-off (PTO) is active.
How to set an idling alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, enter the number of minutes which you regard as excessive idling into the box at Alert triggers. The alert will trigger after a vehicle is idling more than that amount. This is set per alert. Your idling settings from Benchmarks or My Account do not affect this number.
Select the checkbox beside Ignore activity when if you do not want to receive idling alerts in these cases:
A vehicle enters certain Places (Geofences).
A vehicle is in privacy mode
A sensor is on. This could be a PTO, for example, which may need to run while a vehicle is idling. You may not want a notification in that situation.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
The GPS tracker in your vehicle or asset sends location information to Reveal. If the tracker sends location information to Reveal from within the geofence area, then the alert is triggered. The more frequent the GPS location ping, the more accurate the alert.
Some asset trackers only send GPS updates once every 24 hours. This means that the accuracy of the alert is lower than for asset trackers that send GPS updates when movement is detected and when the movement has stopped. Contact support if you want to change the reporting rate of an asset tracker.
How to set a Geofence alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, group, or asset to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger. Set the alert to trigger when your selected vehicle or asset:
Enters a Geofence
Exits a Geofence
Both enters and exits a Geofence
Stops within a Geofence
Fails to enter a Geofence by a specified time
Remains within a Geofence for longer than specified time.
Choose the Geofences: Select the Geofences you would like to monitor, from your list of Geofences. If you do not have any, create them first.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
A harsh driving alert notifies you of incidents such as harsh cornering and hard braking.
How to set a harsh driving alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet). To avoid receiving a harsh driving alert and a video alert for the same event, Add vehicles that do not have a camera installed.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger(s). You have three possibilities for harsh driving event types:
Hard braking
Harsh cornering
Quick starts (hard acceleration)
Decide whether you want to be notified about all events or only severe events. Severity levels are dependent on the size of your vehicles and the harsh driving event detected. The tracker triggers a harsh driving event based solely on the severity of the event. In contrast, video classifications take into account the situation’s context and the risk of accident occurring.
Decide if you want to only send a notification after a certain number of events occur. This can reduce the level of notifications to a more manageable level, if you feel you are receiving too many.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, you can add recipients.
If you have an AI Dashcam, notifications are automatically sent to recipients when a video of unsafe driving behaviour is detected. You will continue to receive harsh driving alerts alongside these, unless you choose to turn them off.
The ignition alert flags instances where a vehicle ignition has been:
Switched on
Switched off
Switched either on OR off.
How to set an ignition alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger for the selected vehicle or driver in a vehicle.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
This alert will notify you if a vehicle has been inactive for a specified time period.
A vehicle is active when the ignition is on and it is moving or if the sensors in the vehicle detect an activity, such as a power take-off (PTO).
How to set an inactivity alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger. The alert will be sent after a certain number of hours and minutes of inactivity.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
This alert will activate based on vehicle activity occurring after a set time of your choice. You can choose the activity type.
How to set a Late Start alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger - a time by which a late start will be measured. This takes into consideration the time-zone of the vehicle. Then choose what you regard as the starting moment for a day:
Ignition on
First movement (as registered by the vehicle tracking unit)
Arrival at first stop (calculated as the first location where the ignition is turned off)
Arrival at a place (a Geofence - select a Place from your list)
Departure from a place (a Geofence - select a Place from your list).
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
This alert notifies when a vehicle stops for longer than a set amount of time. It can be set to activate when a vehicle has been stopped for a certain amount of time in one location, or when the next movement occurs (when the vehicle engine is switched back on).
How to set a Long Stop alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger. The time you enter here will be the time by which a long stop will be measured. If there are certain Places that your vehicles are frequently stopped in for long periods, you might set the alert to ignore those.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
This alert notifies when a vehicle exceeds a set speed, or if they exceed a posted speed limit or road speed by a certain amount during your chosen time frame.
Verizon Connect partners with a third party posted-speed provider that constantly monitors and updates posted-speed information, leveraging public, municipal, and satellite information to verify speed limits.
Verizon Connect road speed data compares location data to the average speed that vehicles have driven along that road segment in non-peak hours over the past year.
Verizon Connect has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the posted speed information provided. If you find any discrepancies in the information, please contact the Verizon Customer Care team to address the issue.
When a driver is in privacy mode, Reveal will not report on speed limit violations.
How to set a speeding alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger.
High Speed Event over a certain speed.
Speed Limit Violation: XX mph / km over the limit. Here you can choose to take into account the posted speed on the road, the road speed, or both at the same time.
Decide if you want the alert to trigger only after a certain number of speeding events using the Do not send the alert until after option. You can also decide if you want those events to be consecutive, or non-consecutive. This option can be useful if you are receiving too many speeding alerts.
Decide if you want to receive speeding alerts only for incidents that occur in certain Places. If so, select those areas from your list of Places (Geofences).
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
Your vehicle tracking device can monitor the on-off state of PTO’s. This alert notifies you when a sensor changes state.
How to set a sensor activation alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, decide on an alert trigger.
Select a piece of on-board equipment from the list - or choose Any, to be notified of changes to any of your sensors.
Then decide if you want the alert to activate if the sensor is:
switched on
switched off
either on and off
You can also decide to ignore sensor activity when the engine is off, using the checkbox.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
This alert is for customers who have sensors installed in their vehicles and sensor activation is enabled on their accounts.
If you are interested in using this alert, contact support to check if your device is compatible.
Integrated Video customers have cameras installed in vehicles. Video alert notifications are triggered when:
Unsafe driving behaviour is detected
A video has been recorded
The video is classified as Critical, Major, or Moderate
The video is ready to watch.
A video alert is created and enabled by default until the admin user - usually a person in your organisation who has been using Reveal the longest - updates the alert. The admin can also give you permissions to update an alert.
How to set a video alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle, driver, or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create a new alert article.
A video alert and a harsh driving alert may both be triggered by the same event.
For example, a driver may take a corner too quickly - known as harsh cornering. This will trigger a video recording and a video alert, but it may not generate a harsh driving alert if you have decided to limit the number of notifications for your harsh driving alert. Alternatively, you may get two alerts for one event.
To avoid receiving a harsh driving alert and a video alert for the same event, do the following:
Select an existing harsh driving alert or create a new one
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select Add vehicles
Manually add vehicles that do not have a camera installed.
For many video users, turning off harsh driving alerts is a good idea, as the video alerts will notify you of any serious incidents.
This alert triggers when a vehicle is being towed. This alert is for customers with Towing enabled on their account.
This alert triggers when a vehicle has exceeded any driving violation (daily driving, daily on duty, weekly on duty, or 30-minute break). This alert is for customers with Logbook enabled on their account.
This alert triggers when a device has lost power and cannot be tracked and also when power and tracking are restored.
The power disruption alert is supported in different ways depending on the device type.
Device types and their support of the power disruption alert
Xirgo devices, with no battery, do not trigger power lost alerts but do trigger power restored alerts.
CalAmp devices, with a battery, trigger power lost alerts and power restored alerts.
Raliacom B2 devices, with a battery, trigger power lost alerts but do not trigger power restored alerts.
Equipment Asset Tracker devices, with a battery, trigger power lost alerts and power restored alerts.
Equipment Asset Tracker - Battery devices, with a battery, do not trigger power lost alerts or power restored alerts.
This alert triggers whenever a vehicle registers a diagnostic trouble code (activates, deactivates, or both). This alert is for customers who have ECM enabled on their accounts.
This alert notifies when a vehicle enters the Panic status. When the driver is in a panic situation, they can hold down a button in the cab to trigger a panic alert within Reveal. This alert is for customers who have this enabled on their account, and the unit installed in their vehicles.
To activate the panic button in the cab, press and hold for 7 seconds. To reset or turn off the panic feature, press and hold the button for 10 seconds.
This alert triggers when a vehicle remains unassigned for a set number of minutes after the ignition has been turned on.
This alert notifies you when a vehicle fails an inspection report in the Reveal Driver Plus mobile app. Inspection reports fail when a driver marks one or more items in the vehicle inspection as a major defect that makes the vehicle unsafe to operate.
How to set up a fleet inspection alert:
Follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Fleet & Alert Options page select a vehicle or group to monitor (or your entire fleet).
On the Fleet & Alert Options page, make sure that the alert trigger is selected.
On the Times & Frequency page, follow the steps in the Create an alert article.
On the Alert Recipients page, follow the steps in the Create an alert article.