This report measures how much poor fuel efficiency is costing you, or helps identify vehicles experiencing fuel efficiency issues. Efficiency is displayed as an overall positive or negative cost based on estimated fuel consumption and mileage attained.
If you have Reveal Engine Connect, you can gain further insight into your fuel efficiency. Learn more about this new feature here.
To run this report, see Run a report.
If you generate a fuel efficiency report and the report contains no data, you might not have entered a fuel tank capacity for the vehicle. To learn more about entering fuel tank capacities, read Update vehicle and powered asset information. If you have already entered the tank capacity, your vehicle tracking unit or vehicle might not be compatible with this report type. Note that the fuel level shown on your dashboard can differ from the actual value by up to 10%.
Select the currency you want to see in your reports.
If you have Reveal Engine Connect (ECM) in your vehicles, and you want to see that data in your fuel efficiency report, enable it in the Fuel Data Source section of Report Options.
Order report by vehicle groups.
Select speeding threshold for high speed.
Include page break between drivers: Select this option to display each driver on a separate page. This separation can make it easier to carry out administrative tasks on the report.
Region: Select your country. Report metrics such as distance and date are displayed in the format of the selected country.