A co-driver is a driver who takes turns driving the same vehicle with you during the same shift. Only one driver can be assigned to a vehicle at a time. This is the current driver. Any HOS (hours of service) data generated is assigned to the current driver. This includes HOS status information, mileage driven, and any violations, diagnostic events, or malfunctions.
Even if you are not currently driving, you can still access your Logbook account to view your HOS information. If your information is displayed on the Dashboard screen, you are the active user. See Switch active users for instructions on how to switch from one Logbook user to another.
The screenshot below shows the difference between the active user and the current driver, who can be different drivers or the same driver:
Active user (left): Under YOU is the driver whose data is shown on the Dashboard screen.
Current driver (right): The driver who is in control of the vehicle is shown with the label “Current driver”.
A maximum of four drivers can be logged in to Logbook at a time. All co-drivers must log in to Logbook before the vehicle starts moving and log out after the engine has been turned off. All co-drivers must use the same mobile device.
For instructions on how to manage co-drivers, see the following topics:
All co-drivers must log in to Logbook on the same mobile device prior to starting the vehicle.
As the first driver, log in to Logbook as normal.
To log in to the Logbook app as a co-driver:
From the navigation bar in the lower part of the screen, tap Setup.
Enter your credentials and tap LOGIN.
Adding a co-driver requires the current driver to log in again if the app was inactive for 30 minutes or more.
On the Setup screen you can see who the active user and current drivers are. Under YOU is the active user, whose data shows on the Dashboard screen. Under OTHER DRIVERS are all other co-drivers. The current driver is displayed with a “Current driver” label. From here you can switch the current drivers, switch the active users, and log out a driver.
The current driver is the co-driver who is in control of the vehicle and to whom any HOS data that is captured automatically from the vehicle is assigned. The current driver can be the active user but does not have to be.
To switch from one current driver to another:
Ensure that the vehicle is stationary, and the current driver is not in Driving status. The SWITCH button for the co-driver is disabled while the vehicle is in motion.
From the navigation bar in the lower part of the screen, tap Setup. Under YOU is the active user, whose data shows on the Dashboard screen. Under OTHER DRIVERS are all other co-drivers. The current driver is displayed with a “Current driver” label.
Tap SWITCH under the driver who wants to take over the vehicle.
The current driver has changed. Depending on how the new driver’s account is configured, he or she might be required to enter a Trailer or Shipping Reference.
The active user is the co-driver whose HOS data is displayed on the Dashboard screen. The active user can be the current driver but does not have to be.
To switch from one active user to another while the vehicle is stationary:
From the navigation bar in the lower part of the screen, tap Setup. Under YOU is the active user, whose data is shown on the Dashboard screen. Under OTHER DRIVERS are all other co-drivers.
Tap the user icon for the driver who wants to be the active user.
As the new active user, enter your password and tap Unlock.
The active user has changed. Under YOU is the new active user, whose data is shown on the Dashboard screen. Under OTHER DRIVERS are all other co-drivers.
To switch from one active user to another while the vehicle is in motion:
From the Driving screen, tap Co-Driver.
On iOS devices, you might need to tap the multi-user icon in the upper right corner of the screen to view the user list.
On Android devices, the user list is displayed on the login screen.
Select your username from the list, enter your password, and tap Unlock.
The active user has changed. Under YOU is the new active user, whose data is shown on the Dashboard screen. Under OTHER DRIVERS are all other co-drivers.
To log out of the Logbook app you need to be the active user. If you are not, switch active users first.
To log out as a co-driver:
From the navigation bar in the lower part of the screen, tap Setup.
Under YOU, which shows your driver profile, tap LOGOUT. Alternatively you can log out from the More menu.
One of the remaining co-drivers is required to log in again. Select the user if there is more than one. Enter the password, and then tap Unlock.