This article describes some tasks that you can perform if your device has problems connecting to the vehicle. Most of these issues are caused by problems with your Bluetooth connection. If none of these steps resolve your connection problem, follow the general troubleshooting tips before contacting support.
Follow these steps in the order provided to resolve connectivity issues with your vehicle:
Follow the instructions in General troubleshooting tips to check that you are using the latest version and to refresh your settings in the app.
If none of these steps resolve your connection problem, contact Logbook support by calling 844-617-1100.
These are some of the reasons why you might experience connectivity issues as a driver:
You have moved out of Bluetooth range with your mobile device.
Bluetooth is disabled on the mobile device.
The vehicle ignition is off.
The power on the VTU (vehicle tracking unit) is off.
These are some of the symptoms that are associated with lost ELD connectivity:
The vehicle
You hear the vehicle disconnection alert sound.
Your vehicle is not displayed on the Select your Vehicle screen.
The app does not switch into the Driving status.
Issues while you are in the Driving status:
The app does not switch out of the Driving status.
The app switches out of the Driving status while you are still driving.
The following diagnostic events or malfunctions are raised:
Engine sync diagnostic or malfunction
Unidentified driving diagnostic
You cannot perform a vehicle inspection.
You cannot select the Yard Moves sub status on the On Duty status.
You cannot select the Personal Use sub status on the Off Duty status.
These are some of the consequences that connectivity issues can lead to:
Unidentified driving time is created for the vehicle and displayed on the Alerts screen.
The location is not automatically generated for status changes.
You cannot use automatic Driving mode.
You need to be close enough to your vehicle so that you can establish a Bluetooth connection with the vehicle's VTU (vehicle tracking unit). Try moving closer to your vehicle.
Ensure that your vehicle’s ignition is on while you are troubleshooting the connection between your mobile device and your vehicle.
From your mobile device’s home screen, select Settings. Check that the Bluetooth setting is on. If not, tap the toggle next to the Bluetooth setting to turn it on.
If you have an Android device, you can reset your Bluetooth connection in either of the following ways:
In the Logbook navigation bar in the lower part of the screen, tap More.
Scroll to Restart Bluetooth, and then tap Restart.
In Logbook, in the upper right corner of the screen, tap the three dots icon.
Then tap Restart Bluetooth.
To perform a Bluetooth pairing, you need to get your mobile device to "forget" the vehicle’s Bluetooth connection and then create a pairing. To do this:
For Android:
From your mobile device’s home screen, select Settings.
Tap the 'i' or cog icon next to the device named "BT_ESN" (where "ESN" is the vehicle's engine serial number). The device name depends on the type of tracking unit installed in your vehicle.
Tap Unpair.
Search for nearby devices.
Select the device named "BT_ESN".
Enter the PIN "1234" (if requested).
Go to the Logbook app and try to connect to the vehicle again.
For iOS:
From your iPhone's home screen, go to Settings > Bluetooth.
Tap on the "i" icon of the device named "BT_ESN" (where "ESN" is the vehicle's engine serial number).
Tap Forget this Device.
Confirm that you would like to remove the device.
Turn off Bluetooth.
Turn on Bluetooth.
Search for nearby devices. Under OTHER DEVICES, select the device named "BT_ESN" (where "ESN" is the vehicle ESN).
Enter the PIN "1234" (if requested).
Go to the Logbook app and try to connect to the vehicle again.
From your mobile device's home screen, go to Settings.
In the Bluetooth settings, turn Bluetooth off.
In the Bluetooth settings, turn Bluetooth on.
Return back to the Logbook app.